As part of the Navy’s Ship Maintenance Improvement Program (SMIP), we support the Navy’s strategy for maintaining ship systems and equipment based on evidence of need, and applied technology using Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) principles. Condition-based Maintenance with Sensors (CBM+) provides the capability to automatically collect maintenance data, enable analysis, and support maintenance decision-making processes. CBM+ capabilities provide operational commanders with unprecedented visibility into Fleet operating conditions to enhance operational planning and increase mission readiness.
Condition-Based Maintenance Plus
Support NAVSEA’s CBM+ program
More Maintenance Management Projects
Automate Planned Maintenance
Tailored Force Revisions
Personalize PMS Data
Get Latest PMS Data
Future of the Planned Maintenance System
Modernize PMS
Support Navy Calibration
Condition-Based Maintenance Plus
Support NAVSEA’s CBM+ Program
Maintenance Effectiveness Reviews
Analyze the Navy’s Maintenance Program